
Sunday, January 21, 2007

Vareniks with sauerkraut

Pour out flour on the table. Form it like a volcano with a hole in the middle. Break an egg into this hole and add water and salt. Beat the dough until it become of plasticine consistence, then cover it and wait for 30-40 minutes.
Cut onions and grate carrots. Fry them. When ready add sauerkraut and stew the stuffing for 20-30 minutes.
Cut the dough to pieces and roll each piece so it gets thin. Then press it with a glass to have circle forms. Gather the rests and roll again. Put the stuffing inside the circles and press the edges.
Boil for 5-7 minutes. When serving, add fried onions.

3 glasses of flour
1 egg
2/3 glass of water
2-3 onions
2-3 carrots
500 g of sauerkraut

Have a meal in Ukraine!

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